Bora Diving Center (by Eleuthera)
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Useful Informations

French Polynesia

  • Status: An overseas collectivity of the French Republic, French Polynesia is composed of 5 archipelagos grouping 118 islands of which only 76 are inhabited (the archipelago of the Society, the Tuamotu archipelago, the Gambier archipelago, the Australes Archipelago and the Marquises Islands).
  • Area: French Polynesia is as wide as Europe, about 5 million square kilometers.
  • Capital City: Papeete

Bora Bora Island

  • Localization : Bora Bora is in the Society Archipelago, about 255 km North West of Tahiti ( a 45 minutes flight). Pora Pora is its real Tahitian name, meaning « first born ». It’s right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 4000 km far from Hawaii, 5000 km far from New Caledonia, 6000 km far from Australia, 8000 km far from Chile and more than 15000 km far from Paris
  • Configuration : 13 million years ago, a volcano created the island. Now the volcano has eroded leaving place to a beautiful lagoon and a barrier reef. Teavanui pass, in the West, is the only access from the ocean. The main island is only 8km long and 5 km wide.
  • Highest Point : Otemanu Point, 727 meters high
  • Population : around 11.000 inhabitants live in Bora Bora
  • Climate : with its tropical maritime climate, French Polynesia has 2 seasons : the summer months (November to April) and a cooler season (May to October). Day temperatures range from 24°C/75F° to 30°C/86F°, it may be cooler at night.
  • Diving : is possible all year round ! Waters will vary from 26°C/79F° to 29°C/84F° thus a 3mm wetsuit is enough.

Currency & Change

The official currency is the Pacific Franc, commonly called locally "Franc", "Franc CP" or "XPF" whose parity with the euro is fixed (1 EUR = 119.332 XPF)

  • Change : even if US Dollars and Euro are often accepted, changing your currency at your arrival in French Polynesia is recommended. In Bora Bora the only cash machines are located in Vaitape, in the West of the island.
  • Banks : 3 banks and the Post office are located on the island

Communication & Internet

  • The internet is available in the island
  • Cell phones: you can either choose a pre-paid card or a package at Vini or Vodafone

More informations
